Episode 114 Nancy Rae Allen, Confidence and Assertiveness Expert
Listen HERE Nancy Rae is a Confidence and Assertiveness Expert, her vivacious cutting edge talent has inspired thousands. As an...

Episode 113 - Aisake Vuikadavu, insights from a Tender Warrior
Listen Here Aisake spent 6 years in a boarding school in Fiji growing up, and was saved from being involved in a military coup due to...

Episode 112 - Patrick Farenga, Growing Up Without School
Listen HERE Pat Farenga brings more than 34 years of fieldwork, advocacy, and personal experience (he and his wife unschooled their three...

Episode 111 - Tammy Ward, Hope Haven Events
Listen Here Tammy is the Founder and President of Hope Haven Events. Hope Haven Events hosts conferences, retreats, trainings, specialty...

Episode 110 - Brian Ricks, 101 Homeschool Ideas
Listen HERE Brian was born and raised in Southeastern Idaho. Together with his wife, they have 6 children. They have tried several...

Episode 109 - Diane Lockman, Inspiring Classical Scholars
Listen HERE Diane Lockman takes a non-traditional approach to classical education; she believes the Greco-Roman and early Christian...

Episode 108 - Laura Grace Weldon, Free Range Learning, Creative Living & Gentle Encouragement
Listen HERE Laura Grace Weldon is the author of Free Range Learning. This handbook of natural education is heavily researched and...

Episode 107 Andy and Kendra Fletcher - Homeschooling In Real Life
Listen HERE Kendra is a popular conference speaker and writer, appearing in such publications as The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Washington...

Episode 106 Tim Milosch, College-Bound Homeschooler
Listen HERE Tim Milosch was homeschooled from kindergarten through high school at a time when homeschooling was a developing educational...

Episode 104 & 105 - Steven Horwich, Teaching Core Subjects / Listener Responses and Changing the
Listen HERE - 104 Listen HERE - 105 Steven was a professional educator for over 40 years, taught in the Master's Writer Program USC, for...