Episodes 102 & 103 - Aneladee Milne, LEMI Institute
Listen HERE - Episode #102 Listen HERE - Episode #103 Aneladee Milne is the mother of 6 and counting. The grandmother of 8 and counting...

Episode 101 - Heather Staker, Ready to Blend
Listen HERE Heather Staker is the president of Ready to Blend, a research initiative focused on helping educators and families use...

Episode 100 - Mary Fratianni, Homeschooling Through Special Needs
Listen HERE Mary is the Loving Education At Home (LEAH) Special Needs Coordinator. She has been supporting homeschoolers with special...

Episode 099 - Jared Gough, Total Balance Health and Wellness Training Center
Listen HERE Jared Gough is the President and CEO of Total Balance Health Wellness & Training Center. His passion is assisting people to...

Episode 098 - Ira Israel, Embracing Your Curiosity
Listen HERE Ira Israel is a Licensed Counselor, a Licensed Psychotherapist, and a Certified Yoga Therapist. He has graduate degrees in...

Episode 097 - Mollie Harmison, "Becoming the Girl (Person) of Our Dreams"
Listen HERE Mollie Harmison is a Wellness Mentor and Trainer. She inspires individuals all over the nation to reach to their full...

Episode 096 - Khotso Khabele, Building Communities of Mission and Purpose
Listen HERE Khotso Khabele was born in West Africa into a family with a strong tradition of education, entrepreneurialism and civil...

Episode 095 - Mary Hood, The Relaxed Homeschooler
Mary Hood, Ph.D., along with her husband, Roy, homeschooled their five children all the way from kindergarten through college entrance....

Episode - 094 Nicholeen Peck, Teaching Self-Government
Listen on Libsyn When it comes to parenting, Nicholeen Peck is a worldwide phenomenon and leader — and for good reason! Her proven system...

Episode - 093 Becky Rogers, Ideal Life Vision
Listen on Libsyn Becky Rogers is a certified BodyTalk practitioner, Ideal LifeVision Coach, homeschooling mother of 10, as well as a...