Episode 219 - Blaine and Audrey Rindlisbacher, Helping with Addiction Healing
After struggling with a pornography addiction for more than 30 years, Blaine’s prayers were answered and he was led to the principles of...

Episode 146 - Diana Zaheer, Helping Others Heal and Discover Themselves
Diana says, “As far back as I can recall -- I think I was four years old -- I saw energy. It didn't seem strange; in fact, it felt quite...

Episode 117, Amy McDougal, Healthy Living Through Hormones
Amy has received training with Dr. Ben Lynch on MTHFR mutations and appropriate treatment. Recommended Books and Websites: "Belly Fat...

Episode 048 - Jennifer Lamprey, Alternative Health and Healing
Listen on Libsyn Jennifer is a mom of three girls and educates by being real and sharing her experience. She is the CEO of the I love my...