Episode 116 - Mike Robbins, Nothing Changes Until You Do
Listen HERE Mike is the author of three books, Focus on the Good Stuff, Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest,...

Episode 115 - Dr. Marie-Claire Moreau, Homeschooling Mentor
Listen HERE Dr. Marie-Claire Moreau, a proud-to-be homeschool mom to my kids. She helps families, write books, and speaks on topics like...

Episode 114 Nancy Rae Allen, Confidence and Assertiveness Expert
Listen HERE Nancy Rae is a Confidence and Assertiveness Expert, her vivacious cutting edge talent has inspired thousands. As an...

Episode 113 - Aisake Vuikadavu, insights from a Tender Warrior
Listen Here Aisake spent 6 years in a boarding school in Fiji growing up, and was saved from being involved in a military coup due to...

Episode 097 - Mollie Harmison, "Becoming the Girl (Person) of Our Dreams"
Listen HERE Mollie Harmison is a Wellness Mentor and Trainer. She inspires individuals all over the nation to reach to their full...

Episode - 087 Sean D'Souza, The Three Month Vacation Podcast
Listen on Libsyn Sean D'souza is an entrepreneur and owner of the "Three Month Vacation" podcast. He's an expert marketer who runs the...

Episode 057 - Chris Stemp, Smart People Podcast and Personal Coach
Listen To Libsyn Chris comes from a military family. He was born in NJ and moved to Germany until he was 5. He’s lived in the Northern...

Episode 056 - Jeff Sanders, The 5 AM Miracle Podcast
Listen on Libsyn Jeff Sanders is the host of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast, which has ranked #1 in iTunes in the Self-Help and Business...

Episode 047 - Karen Benke, Writing Coach and Author
Listen on Libsyn Karen Benke is a writing coach and mentor and the author of three creative writing adventure books from Shambhala/Random...

Episode 046 - Kimberly King, Homeschooling Mentor
Listen on Libsyn Kimberly King-Homeschooling mom and mentor of 2 daughters, ages 13 and 16, has been homeschooling since they were born....