Episode 055 - Pages Matam, Shining through Slam
Listen on Libsyn Pages Matam is a Cameroonian artist residing in the D.C. metropolitan area. He is an internationally recognized award...

Episode 053 - Lisa School@Home Mom
Listen on Libsyn Lisa was a teacher for 15 years – long enough to see her elementary students grow up and start to graduate from college...

Episode 051 - Albert Flynn DeSilver, Poet, Author and Speaker
Listen on Libsyn Albert Flynn DeSilver is an internationally published poet, writer, speaker, and workshop leader. Albert served as Marin...

Episode 045 Adam Fletcher, Child Advocate
Listen on Libsyn Adam Fletcher (@bicyclingfish) is a Canadian writer, international educator and organizational consultant who lives in...

Episode 043 - Megan's Tutoring Programme
Listen on Libsyn Megan has experience working with children as she is a lanuage expert and speaks eight different languages. She is...

Episode 041 - Joy Howes, Incredibly Confident Kids
Listen on Libsyn Joy is a retired school teacher with over 30 years of experience. She has a Master's in Gifted Education. She believes...

Episode 039 - Greg Denning, Worldschool Family
Listen on Libsyn From an early age, Greg faced some challenging circumstances. He grew up in a tough situation and left home by the time...

Episode 035 - Celestia Shumway, Natural Mothering
Listen on Libsyn I am a homeschooling mom of 7. Two have graduated and are now at college on academic scholarships. My own junior high...

Episode 034 - Emily Dyke, Math Inspirations
Emily is co-founder of Math Inspirations and author of Hands On Math and 10 Things Every Parent Should Know About Math. Emily’s pursuit...

Episode - 028 Molly Christensen, Building Heroes
Molly Christensen has been homeschooling her 7 children ages 3-20 for 14 years. She has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and has...