Episode 162 - Tiffany Sweeney, Creating a Traveling Tribe
Full time traveling, roadschooling Momma to 5. With a background in theatre education I knew I didn't want conventional school for my...

Episode 112 - Patrick Farenga, Growing Up Without School
Listen HERE Pat Farenga brings more than 34 years of fieldwork, advocacy, and personal experience (he and his wife unschooled their three...

Episode 080- Talon Windwalker, 1Dad1Kid.com
Listen on Libsyn Talon Windwalker is a single parent, author, former hospice chaplain, scuba instructor, photographer, and lover of...

Episode 014 - Lainie Liberti, Learning Through Travel as a Family
Lainie Liberti, Project World School Co-Founder, Life Learner Lainie Liberti is a recovering branding expert, who’s 18 year career once...