Episode 055 - Pages Matam, Shining through Slam
Listen on Libsyn Pages Matam is a Cameroonian artist residing in the D.C. metropolitan area. He is an internationally recognized award...

Episode 051 - Albert Flynn DeSilver, Poet, Author and Speaker
Listen on Libsyn Albert Flynn DeSilver is an internationally published poet, writer, speaker, and workshop leader. Albert served as Marin...

Episode 047 - Karen Benke, Writing Coach and Author
Listen on Libsyn Karen Benke is a writing coach and mentor and the author of three creative writing adventure books from Shambhala/Random...

Episode 044 - Alysia Humphries, 2nd Generation Homeschooling
Listen on Libsyn Alysia Humphries is a wife and mother of 6 children ages 4-17. Her homeschool journey began at birth, when her parents...

Episode 041 - Joy Howes, Incredibly Confident Kids
Listen on Libsyn Joy is a retired school teacher with over 30 years of experience. She has a Master's in Gifted Education. She believes...