Episode - 091 & 092 Donna Goff, Mentoring Our Own

Donna and her husband, Roger are parents of seven children and grandparents to thirteen grandchildren. They have home educated our children since 1983 and we are still in the trenches.
She loves being a wife, mother, and grandmother. She also love learning, teaching, creating, sewing, provident living, gardening, hiking, creating stained glass murals, poetry, reading, writing, presenting, sharing, frugality, DIY, blogging, and life!”
She was:
· Homeschool study group host and leader in Colorado and Utah, from 1983-2007 before returning to college to pursue a MA Ed.
· Mentoring Our Own Yahoo Group creator and owner from 2002-present.
· Private cyber-school and cottage school / home education hybrid creator, owner, and head mentor, 2002-2015.
· Co-Owner with my two married daughters of “The Princess Academies” website, from 2009-2013.
· Co-Owner of Royal Academe with my daughter, Julia Groves, from 2013-2015.
· Keynote speaker - Presenting at dozens of conferences in California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Virginia, since 1995.
· In-home presentations and workshops in Idaho and Utah 1995-2015.
She has several published many works including: a chapter in
Charlotte Mason Study Guide by Penny Gardner— Study Topic 19
· Observing the Wonderful World around Us
· Nature Notebooks.
Home School Journal
· 1995 Vol. 1
Graduate Thesis
· The Hope Chest Journey: Rediscovering the Lost Arts of Godly Womanhood (A Primer for Mothers), 2008. (Republished in 2013 in e-book format)
Website: Mentoring Our Own
Resources she mentions and recommends:
YouTube Feed - Episode 091:
YouTube Feed - Episode 092: