Episode 108 - Laura Grace Weldon, Free Range Learning, Creative Living & Gentle Encouragement

Laura Grace Weldon is the author of Free Range Learning. This handbook of natural education is heavily researched and resource-packed, plus it shares the wisdom of over 100 homeschooling families from around the world. Laura lives on “Bit of Earth Farm” where she works as an editor (and marginally useful farm wench). Her articles appears in such places as Wired.com, Christian Science Monitor, Literary Mama, Life Learning Magazine, Holistic Parenting, and many others. Laura is also the author of a poetry collection titled “Tending” and at work on her next book.
Website: lauragraceweldon.com/
Email: laura.euphoria@gmail.com
Her blog - at lauragraceweldon.com/blog-2
Free Range Learning community on Facebook facebook.com/FreeRangeLearningCommunity

Samples of her articles:
Bringing Kids Back to the Commons http://lauragraceweldon.com/2011/10/26/bringing-kids-back-to-the-commons/
Homeschool Worries, Erased http://lauragraceweldon.com/2013/07/19/homeschool-worries-erased-with-research-experience/
The Benefits of Natural Math http://lauragraceweldon.com/2014/11/19/the-benefits-of-natural-math/
40 Ways Kids Can Volunteer: Toddler to Teen
How Kids Benefit from Real Responsibilities http://lauragraceweldon.com/2012/07/25/how-kids-benefit-from-chores/
Getting Science on Everything http://lauragraceweldon.com/2013/06/19/getting-science-on-everything/
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