Episode 136 - Jason Jenkins, An Epic Education

Jason has been figuring out ways to live abroad since 1997 — first as an English teacher in Taiwan, and eventually as a writer, editor and producer in Japan. Then in 2013 he and his wife left their desk jobs in Tokyo, pulled their children out of public schools and started slow-traveling full time, exploring multiple Southeast Asian locales and worldschooling the kids as they went. They are now based in Valencia, Spain, where the kids attend local schools as the family learns Spanish and figures out what happens next. Jason also hosts his own podcast, "EPIC EDUCATION RADIO," where he shares the tips, tools and techniques of experienced family travelers.
Website: anepiceducation.com
YouTube Feed:
"What I mean by resourceful is that, they know what they know. They know a lot of what they don't know and I want them to be able to use those to leverage to get what they want. That is what we want in life, it is not just degrees or passing a test it is being able to say, "I want this in my life, this is what I know now this is what don't know, what do I need to do to get that."