Episode 138 - KrisAnne Hall, Educator of the Principles of Liberty

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor who travels the country teaching the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne will connect the dots for you like no one else can! Host of The KrisAnne Hall Show, she pulls no punches, puts Liberty First and gives no quarter to those who hide behind party labels. Like no other host, KrisAnne will tell you what the founders had to say on today’s relevant issues . KrisAnne is a disabled Army veteran, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, she received her undergraduate degree in Bio-Chemistry from Blackburn College in 1991 and her J.D. from the University of Florida, Levin College of Law and is a former Russian Linguist for the US Army. KrisAnne worked as a state prosecutor and with a prominent law firm defending religious liberty and First Amendment rights. KrisAnne lives in North Florida with her husband JC, a pastor and former Russian instructor for the US Navy, and their adopted son Colton. Here she is in her own words: “Right up front there are some things that I need to tell you about myself. I want you to know where I came from and how I got to where I am today. I don’t want to ever be accused of deception or dishonesty. So, in full disclosure: I was not born a Constitutionalist. I did not live my life with an inherent understanding of Liberty and what is necessary to defend it. I was not raised a Christian. For some, these things will be a stumbling block, so you need to know from me. I was raised a Democrat. The only thing more evil than Satan was a Republican in my home. There were no choices to be made in voting…straight Democrat party line was the only choice. I was an environmentalist. An ardent environmentalist. Some of my best friends were members of Green Peace and I supported the WWF and PETA. I was a vegetarian by ideology, not for health reasons, for almost 15 years. I believed in the “good” of scientific manipulations of food and the necessity of vaccines. Not only believed this, but helped create them when I was a biochemist for Monsanto. I believed in Global Warming and defended it vigorously. I believed in the Big Bang and openly criticized those who believed in creationism as ignorant and misled. I believed Government’s duty and purpose was to be a provider for the people. I supported programs that would give the government more control over the people. I even believed a One World Government was the best way to go to ensure “global peace.” I supported the principles of socialism, although I cannot claim to have known at the time it was socialism, per se, that I supported. I supported abortion and often openly condemned others for being pro-life. I have argued with abortion protesters on street corners and called them names that I am not proud of. I was not only not a Christian, but I practiced many other religions, including many occult versions. I was bitter against God and felt that only ignorant, weak people needed faith. I was too intelligent and too educated for such a feeble crutch. I was not born with the knowledge that I have now. I did not wake up one morning with a divine epiphany. I traveled a long road. I learned some hard and painful lessons. My beliefs were challenged and I came to know the Truth. I am able to stand firm on what I believe because I have discovered the difference between truth and lies. I am able to defend the truth because I walked the path. I can show you my path of discovery, and to be guaranteed it is not tied to any political motivation or personal gain…unless you call the liberation that comes from knowing the truth in the face of lies, a personal gain. So when someone says to you…”Did you know that person used to be associated with this or that group or used to believe this… How can you possibly believe him now?” Remember this story. It is good to question someone’s “transformation”. You SHOULD do that. If they cannot show you that path, step by step, you should question their motivations. But do not discount someone’s current position just because of who they USED to be or who they USED to associate with or what they USED to believe. Sometimes it is NOT a selfish or deceptive motivation, but a path to enlightenment. We all had to wake up somehow. Just so you know where I stand.” -KrisAnne Hall
Recommended books:
-Awarded the Freedom Fighter award by Americans for Prosperity
-Certificate of Achievement from the Sons of the Revolution for her defense of Liberty
-Congressman James Blair Award for Defending the Constitution.
KrisAnne is an incredibly passionate speaker – a true Patrick Henry of our time. She speaks to audiences all across the country on Constitutional History, American Exceptionalism, and the Fight for Liberty. Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious and she is able to inspire any group. A steadfast warrior in the Tea Party battle.
Website: krisannehall.com
Podcast Quote:
"I think that it is important for us to realized that the Constitution IS a core document in your life. It is what protects your vital, unalienable rights, by reminding you what the government should and should not be doing."
"Even if you're an atheist, most people believe in the Golden Rule. The idea, 'You are to do unto others, what you would have them done to you.' What you're saying by allowing people to have their right to be violated, even out of ignorance, is to say, "I don't mind if somebody else allows my rights to be violated when they know better."
"We have a duty to our follow citizens and our children in the future, to make sure that the government is not violating our rights. The whole purpose of the constitution was to set those boundaries and to be a constant reminder to the people of what those things really are."
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