Episode 165 - Joanne Miller and Clara Logsdon, "What IF It Were Possible?"

Joanne Miller is the author of Creating a Haven of Peace, Be Your Finest Art and the I Wanna' Be children's series based on personality styles of children. She is an artist, speaker and teacher. Clara Logsdon is her granddaughter. Clara has been in her Yia-Yia's art class since she was 4 yrs old. The two of them combined their talents in writing a children's book titled, What If It Were Possible? and Clara, at 8 ys old, did all the illustrations. The two of them enjoy speaking to schools, libraries, and homeschool groups about how everyone is creative and explaining the process they went through to get their book written, illustrated and published.
Website: joannefmiller.com or claralogsdon.com
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Podcast Quotes: Joanne: "I hope that they always think that anything is possible, that they do use their imagination that they don't just stop playing just because we're adults."
Clara: "Using your imagination make life a lot more fun!"
Joanne and Clara: "Anything is possible, right Clara? "YEAH!" "That's the one thing that we talked about so much with kids especially." "They tend to believe that much more than adults do and they will try things that adults sometimes get fearful. It seems along the path of life those little kids grow up and become more fearful, more reticent to get out there and try new things or to imagine new things. We think having an imagination and doing things out of the ordinary is not practical and not behavior appropriate to an adult."