Episode 168 - Stephen Michael Miller, "Helping People Become Limitless"

Stephen Michael Miller is passionate about helping entrepreneurs, business owners, families, associations, organizations and youth to live better more productive lives. He teaches key principles and skills that can help you achieve more. Stephen is an internationally –known expert, speaker, and entertainer. As an international speaker, Stephen has shared the stage with Dan Clark, Les Brown, Craig Duswalt, Marshall Sylver and other world authorities in the field of personal and professional development. He has also been featured in Real Estate Solutions Magazine and is a key contributor to the book, The Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth. Stephen hosts the international weekly Strongbrook Radio show where he has interviewed some of the world’s greatest thought leaders. Stephen’s proven ability to creatively help people achieve greater results both personally and financially has revolutionized the businesses and lives of professionals and families worldwide.
Recommended Resources: John, Adams by David McCullough
Website: stephenmichaelmiller.com
Email: stephen.miller@strongbrook.com
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"I learned that sometimes out of the deepest and darkest experiences that we have, come the resourcefulness that we need, in order to create the life that you truly want, to improve that journey for us or get on different steps of that journey."
"We take all of the evidences from our past and we act as though that is the truth of who we are today. Well today is different from yesterday."
"This concept that you do have power over your life and your circumstances."
"You have the power of choice and choices is not to be taken lightly. It's such a powerful concept that if we truly grasp this idea that regardless of where we are now, that we can create something different, that no matter what it is that we're experiencing."
"Usually those fear stems from an experience from the past, we make a decision about ourselves and about our surroundings. We decided to create a belief around something here and that belief is typically rooted in some sort of fear."
"Because I have a choice at any given moment, with everything that I do!" I can either put faith in what I do want, or I can put faith in what I don't want."
"Are the words that you're speaking, are the actions that you're taking, are the thoughts that you have, are they putting faith in what you do want or are they putting faith in what you don't want?"