Episode 194 - Mary Ann Johnson, "Becoming a Present Parent"

Mary Ann Johnson was born into a large and boisterous family of nine children and survived to become the mother of seven equally boisterous and busy children. She has been happily married to her husband, Don, for 46 years and has 13 grandchildren aged 2 to 29. She started college at nineteen and finally finished, with a masters degree, in her forties.
Mary Ann is a kid connection expert and has helped thousands of individuals and families to build better relationships. She is the founder of Relationship Transformations for Busy Parents, an online community reaching thousands of people each week. She is the creator and president of Family Connection Mentoring—a service of one-on-one mentoring for parents and their families. She is also well known in the homeschool community as The Home School Coach. Mary Ann was also a past firestarter and you can learn more about Mary Ann by checking out Episode #024
Email: majcoach@gmail.com
Website: maryannjohnsoncoach.com
Get a free chapter of Mary Ann's book,“Becoming a Present Parent: Connecting with your Children in 5 minutes or Less" at becomingapresentparent.com
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