Episode 203 - Lea Ann Garfias, "The Genuine Homeschool Mom"

Lea Ann Garfias, author of the surprise hit Rocking Ordinary: Holding It Together with Extraordinary Grace, and Homeschool Made Easy: Homeschool Your Way, then just this week she published a new book, Homeschool High School Made Easy: Find Your Why . . . Then Find Your Way (Homeschool Made Easy). She is a homeschool graduate and homeschooling mother of four. She has worked for the past five years as a homeschool columnist, featured writer, and editor for several homeschool publications around the country. Lea Ann was herself homeschooled from seventh grade through high school graduation. Besides homeschool mom, Lea Ann also wears the titles soccer mom, professional violinist, and wife of a hot Latino. She is madly in love with her husband of over two decades, David Garfias from Peru. They live with their four hilarious children in the Dallas area.
Website: lagarfias.com
@lagarfias Instagram Page
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