Episode 205 - Caitlyn Scheel, "Creating a Unschooling Hub"

I’m Caitlyn, a 16 year old autodidact who took control of my education at fourteen.
In 8th grade, I opted out of the public school system. Influenced by my father's interest in the topics I used this new freedom and full time access to the internet to dive deep into economics and entrepreneurship, which led to me growing my babysitting service.
I attended an entrepreneurship seminar in the summer of 2016. It was there that I discovered , Praxis a college alternative. I was accepted a few months later and quickly connected with Praxis alumnus Brad Matthews. Together we launched UnschoolHQ.com, a site that aims to educate parents and students alike on what unschooling is and how to go live life as an unschooler. It was this connection with Brad that led to me landing my current job with PARADOX, where I handle our entire digital presence. This has been a fantastic position for me to continue self-directed learning in the real world.
You can connect with me and follow my journey on my personal blog: caitlynscheel.com
Website: UnschoolHQ.com
Recommended Books: The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn
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