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Episode 228 - Julianne Young, Taking a Stand for Our Youth

Julianne Young is from Idaho where she grew up and was taught very well by her parents to work hard, carefully analyze information and ideas, pursue my dreams with a passion, and fearlessly stand up for truth. She is a wife and mother, a scout leader, a gardener and hobby farmer, an avid reader and researcher, an editorial columnist, and an American to the core.

She is married to Kevin Young and they have 10 beautiful children. They own a small hobby farm that includes Jersey cows, a colorful flock of chickens, and a geo-thermal greenhouse. Her family loves to work hard, play hard, hike and camp, make beautiful music, and participate in dramatic productions. She pursued and earned a bachelor’s degree in education, She is a individual of faith and has a strong tradition of service in her church and community. As a mother, she understands that each child has unique strengths and weaknesses and that excellent education directly address the real needs of children, one child at a time.

Over the last dozen years or so I have become an avid student of principles of government, including those contained in our founding documents and the stories and writing and philosophy of those who have shaped our political system. The latest most pressing educational issue is called CSE, or comprehensive sex education. It is very important that parents are fully informed on the content of the curriculum which is destructive and demoralizing to all who are effected. This is a goal at this time to warn parents, educators and leaders of CSE.

Disclaimer: This content may not be suitable for young children.


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